iPhone Apps I Really Use and Enjoy

I’ve tried a lot of iPhone apps in the last six months since I made the switch. Plenty have come and gone. These are the ones I use a lot and enjoy:

BNO News — BNO is almost always first with a development


The Weather Channel Max — lots of info with push alerts

Newsie – my favorite RSS reader

Sirius-XM — I subscribe in my car and added a subscription for my iPhone and love it.

Weightbot– for tracking my weight

Zagat to Go – Excellent Reviews

AppBox Pro





Google Maps

What are your favorites?

On Projection — From the projectee’s perspective

“I’ve never fooled anyone. I’ve let people fool themselves. They didn’t bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn’t argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn’t.”

Marilyn Monroe

On Unrequited Love

Professor Barry McCrae

From a very thoughtful, compassionate and beautifully written essay by Professor Barry McCrae of Yale:

There is no logic in unrequited love any more than there is logic in a headache or a flu, and to try to make the lover submit his love to the conscious operation of reason is like trying to cure his migraine by taking his photo.

* * *

Only a combination of time and distance can cure unrequited love: the lover must be physically separated from the object of her affections for a significant period of time.

Facebook is Boring

I recently deactivated my Facebook account. I got tired of reading insignificant details about the lives of people I seldom see. Who cares if Bob ate a steak dinner tonight? And the quizzes were annoying. Folks must be really bored. Well, it seems I’m not alone. The New York Times published an article entitled “Facebook Exodus” which reports that “while people are still joining Facebook and compulsively visiting the site, a small but noticeable group are fleeing — some of them ostentatiously.”

See also this Newsweek story: You Can’t Friend Me, I Quit! The author exclaims “When I think about all the hours I wasted this past year on Facebook, and imagine the good I could have done instead, it depresses me.”

Bob Edwards Interviews Elie Wiesel


In June of 2008 master interviewer Bob Edwards spends the hour with Nobel Peace Prize winner, author, activist and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel. As a teenager Wiesel was separated from his mother and sisters and watched his father die in a concentration camp. Wiesel survived Auschwitz and was a prisoner at Buchenwald when Edward R. Murrow reported on its liberation. Now Wiesel is a professor and the chairman of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.

This superb interview is available for free on iTunes.